package com.dl.flowable.flow; import org.flowable.bpmn.model.Process; import org.flowable.bpmn.model.*; import org.flowable.image.impl.DefaultProcessDiagramCanvas; import org.flowable.image.impl.DefaultProcessDiagramGenerator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /** * @author XuanXuan * @date 2021/4/5 0:31 */ public class CustomProcessDiagramGenerator extends DefaultProcessDiagramGenerator { @Override protected DefaultProcessDiagramCanvas generateProcessDiagram(BpmnModel bpmnModel, String imageType, List highLightedActivities, List highLightedFlows, String activityFontName, String labelFontName, String annotationFontName, ClassLoader customClassLoader, double scaleFactor, boolean drawSequenceFlowNameWithNoLabelDI) { this.prepareBpmnModel(bpmnModel); DefaultProcessDiagramCanvas processDiagramCanvas = initProcessDiagramCanvas(bpmnModel, imageType, activityFontName, labelFontName, annotationFontName, customClassLoader); Iterator var13 = bpmnModel.getPools().iterator(); while (var13.hasNext()) { Pool process = (Pool); GraphicInfo subProcesses = bpmnModel.getGraphicInfo(process.getId()); processDiagramCanvas.drawPoolOrLane(process.getName(), subProcesses, scaleFactor); } var13 = bpmnModel.getProcesses().iterator(); Process process1; Iterator subProcesses1; while (var13.hasNext()) { process1 = (Process); subProcesses1 = process1.getLanes().iterator(); while (subProcesses1.hasNext()) { Lane artifact = (Lane); GraphicInfo subProcess = bpmnModel.getGraphicInfo(artifact.getId()); processDiagramCanvas.drawPoolOrLane(artifact.getName(), subProcess, scaleFactor); } } var13 = bpmnModel.getProcesses().iterator(); while (var13.hasNext()) { process1 = (Process); subProcesses1 = process1.findFlowElementsOfType(FlowNode.class).iterator(); while (subProcesses1.hasNext()) { FlowNode artifact1 = (FlowNode); if (!this.isPartOfCollapsedSubProcess(artifact1, bpmnModel)) { this.drawActivity(processDiagramCanvas, bpmnModel, artifact1, highLightedActivities, highLightedFlows, scaleFactor, Boolean.valueOf(drawSequenceFlowNameWithNoLabelDI)); } } } var13 = bpmnModel.getProcesses().iterator(); label75: while (true) { List subProcesses2; do { if (!var13.hasNext()) { return processDiagramCanvas; } process1 = (Process); subProcesses1 = process1.getArtifacts().iterator(); while (subProcesses1.hasNext()) { Artifact artifact2 = (Artifact); this.drawArtifact(processDiagramCanvas, bpmnModel, artifact2); } subProcesses2 = process1.findFlowElementsOfType(SubProcess.class, true); } while (subProcesses2 == null); Iterator artifact3 = subProcesses2.iterator(); while (true) { GraphicInfo graphicInfo; SubProcess subProcess1; do { do { if (!artifact3.hasNext()) { continue label75; } subProcess1 = (SubProcess); graphicInfo = bpmnModel.getGraphicInfo(subProcess1.getId()); } while (graphicInfo != null && graphicInfo.getExpanded() != null && !graphicInfo.getExpanded().booleanValue()); } while (this.isPartOfCollapsedSubProcess(subProcess1, bpmnModel)); Iterator var19 = subProcess1.getArtifacts().iterator(); while (var19.hasNext()) { Artifact subProcessArtifact = (Artifact); this.drawArtifact(processDiagramCanvas, bpmnModel, subProcessArtifact); } } } } protected static DefaultProcessDiagramCanvas initProcessDiagramCanvas(BpmnModel bpmnModel, String imageType, String activityFontName, String labelFontName, String annotationFontName, ClassLoader customClassLoader) { double minX = 1.7976931348623157E308D; double maxX = 0.0D; double minY = 1.7976931348623157E308D; double maxY = 0.0D; GraphicInfo nrOfLanes; for (Iterator flowNodes = bpmnModel.getPools().iterator(); flowNodes.hasNext(); maxY = nrOfLanes.getY() + nrOfLanes.getHeight()) { Pool artifacts = (Pool); nrOfLanes = bpmnModel.getGraphicInfo(artifacts.getId()); minX = nrOfLanes.getX(); maxX = nrOfLanes.getX() + nrOfLanes.getWidth(); minY = nrOfLanes.getY(); } List var23 = gatherAllFlowNodes(bpmnModel); Iterator var24 = var23.iterator(); label155: while (var24.hasNext()) { FlowNode var26 = (FlowNode); GraphicInfo artifact = bpmnModel.getGraphicInfo(var26.getId()); if (artifact.getX() + artifact.getWidth() > maxX) { maxX = artifact.getX() + artifact.getWidth(); } if (artifact.getX() < minX) { minX = artifact.getX(); } if (artifact.getY() + artifact.getHeight() > maxY) { maxY = artifact.getY() + artifact.getHeight(); } if (artifact.getY() < minY) { minY = artifact.getY(); } Iterator process = var26.getOutgoingFlows().iterator(); while (true) { List l; do { if (!process.hasNext()) { continue label155; } SequenceFlow graphicInfoList = (SequenceFlow); l = bpmnModel.getFlowLocationGraphicInfo(graphicInfoList.getId()); } while (l == null); Iterator graphicInfo = l.iterator(); while (graphicInfo.hasNext()) { GraphicInfo graphicInfo1 = (GraphicInfo); if (graphicInfo1.getX() > maxX) { maxX = graphicInfo1.getX(); } if (graphicInfo1.getX() < minX) { minX = graphicInfo1.getX(); } if (graphicInfo1.getY() > maxY) { maxY = graphicInfo1.getY(); } if (graphicInfo1.getY() < minY) { minY = graphicInfo1.getY(); } } } } List var25 = gatherAllArtifacts(bpmnModel); Iterator var27 = var25.iterator(); GraphicInfo var37; while (var27.hasNext()) { Artifact var29 = (Artifact); GraphicInfo var31 = bpmnModel.getGraphicInfo(var29.getId()); if (var31 != null) { if (var31.getX() + var31.getWidth() > maxX) { maxX = var31.getX() + var31.getWidth(); } if (var31.getX() < minX) { minX = var31.getX(); } if (var31.getY() + var31.getHeight() > maxY) { maxY = var31.getY() + var31.getHeight(); } if (var31.getY() < minY) { minY = var31.getY(); } } List var33 = bpmnModel.getFlowLocationGraphicInfo(var29.getId()); if (var33 != null) { Iterator var35 = var33.iterator(); while (var35.hasNext()) { var37 = (GraphicInfo); if (var37.getX() > maxX) { maxX = var37.getX(); } if (var37.getX() < minX) { minX = var37.getX(); } if (var37.getY() > maxY) { maxY = var37.getY(); } if (var37.getY() < minY) { minY = var37.getY(); } } } } int var28 = 0; Iterator var30 = bpmnModel.getProcesses().iterator(); while (var30.hasNext()) { Process var32 = (Process); Iterator var34 = var32.getLanes().iterator(); while (var34.hasNext()) { Lane var36 = (Lane); ++var28; var37 = bpmnModel.getGraphicInfo(var36.getId()); if (var37.getX() + var37.getWidth() > maxX) { maxX = var37.getX() + var37.getWidth(); } if (var37.getX() < minX) { minX = var37.getX(); } if (var37.getY() + var37.getHeight() > maxY) { maxY = var37.getY() + var37.getHeight(); } if (var37.getY() < minY) { minY = var37.getY(); } } } if (var23.isEmpty() && bpmnModel.getPools().isEmpty() && var28 == 0) { minX = 0.0D; minY = 0.0D; } return new CustomProcessDiagramCanvas((int) maxX + 10, (int) maxY + 10, (int) minX, (int) minY, imageType, activityFontName, labelFontName, annotationFontName, customClassLoader); } private static void drawHighLight(DefaultProcessDiagramCanvas processDiagramCanvas, GraphicInfo graphicInfo) { processDiagramCanvas.drawHighLight((int) graphicInfo.getX(), (int) graphicInfo.getY(), (int) graphicInfo.getWidth(), (int) graphicInfo.getHeight()); } private static void drawHighLightNow(CustomProcessDiagramCanvas processDiagramCanvas, GraphicInfo graphicInfo) { processDiagramCanvas.drawHighLightNow((int) graphicInfo.getX(), (int) graphicInfo.getY(), (int) graphicInfo.getWidth(), (int) graphicInfo.getHeight()); } private static void drawHighLightEnd(CustomProcessDiagramCanvas processDiagramCanvas, GraphicInfo graphicInfo) { processDiagramCanvas.drawHighLightEnd((int) graphicInfo.getX(), (int) graphicInfo.getY(), (int) graphicInfo.getWidth(), (int) graphicInfo.getHeight()); } @Override protected void drawActivity(DefaultProcessDiagramCanvas processDiagramCanvas, BpmnModel bpmnModel, FlowNode flowNode, List highLightedActivities, List highLightedFlows, double scaleFactor, Boolean drawSequenceFlowNameWithNoLabelDI) { ActivityDrawInstruction drawInstruction = activityDrawInstructions.get(flowNode.getClass()); if (drawInstruction != null) { drawInstruction.draw(processDiagramCanvas, bpmnModel, flowNode); // Gather info on the multi instance marker boolean multiInstanceSequential = false; boolean multiInstanceParallel = false; boolean collapsed = false; if (flowNode instanceof Activity) { Activity activity = (Activity) flowNode; MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics = activity.getLoopCharacteristics(); if (multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics != null) { multiInstanceSequential = multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics.isSequential(); multiInstanceParallel = !multiInstanceSequential; } } // Gather info on the collapsed marker GraphicInfo graphicInfo = bpmnModel.getGraphicInfo(flowNode.getId()); if (flowNode instanceof SubProcess) { collapsed = graphicInfo.getExpanded() != null && !graphicInfo.getExpanded(); } else if (flowNode instanceof CallActivity) { collapsed = true; } if (scaleFactor == 1.0) { // Actually draw the markers processDiagramCanvas.drawActivityMarkers((int) graphicInfo.getX(), (int) graphicInfo.getY(), (int) graphicInfo.getWidth(), (int) graphicInfo.getHeight(), multiInstanceSequential, multiInstanceParallel, collapsed); } // Draw highlighted activities if (highLightedActivities.contains(flowNode.getId())) { if (highLightedActivities.get(highLightedActivities.size() - 1).equals(flowNode.getId()) && !"endenv".equals(flowNode.getId())) { if ((flowNode.getId().contains("Event_"))) { drawHighLightEnd((CustomProcessDiagramCanvas) processDiagramCanvas, bpmnModel.getGraphicInfo(flowNode.getId())); } else { drawHighLightNow((CustomProcessDiagramCanvas) processDiagramCanvas, bpmnModel.getGraphicInfo(flowNode.getId())); } } else { drawHighLight(processDiagramCanvas, bpmnModel.getGraphicInfo(flowNode.getId())); } } } // Outgoing transitions of activity for (SequenceFlow sequenceFlow : flowNode.getOutgoingFlows()) { boolean highLighted = (highLightedFlows.contains(sequenceFlow.getId())); String defaultFlow = null; if (flowNode instanceof Activity) { defaultFlow = ((Activity) flowNode).getDefaultFlow(); } else if (flowNode instanceof Gateway) { defaultFlow = ((Gateway) flowNode).getDefaultFlow(); } boolean isDefault = false; if (defaultFlow != null && defaultFlow.equalsIgnoreCase(sequenceFlow.getId())) { isDefault = true; } boolean drawConditionalIndicator = sequenceFlow.getConditionExpression() != null && !(flowNode instanceof Gateway); String sourceRef = sequenceFlow.getSourceRef(); String targetRef = sequenceFlow.getTargetRef(); FlowElement sourceElement = bpmnModel.getFlowElement(sourceRef); FlowElement targetElement = bpmnModel.getFlowElement(targetRef); List graphicInfoList = bpmnModel.getFlowLocationGraphicInfo(sequenceFlow.getId()); if (graphicInfoList != null && graphicInfoList.size() > 0) { graphicInfoList = connectionPerfectionizer(processDiagramCanvas, bpmnModel, sourceElement, targetElement, graphicInfoList); int xPoints[] = new int[graphicInfoList.size()]; int yPoints[] = new int[graphicInfoList.size()]; for (int i = 1; i < graphicInfoList.size(); i++) { GraphicInfo graphicInfo = graphicInfoList.get(i); GraphicInfo previousGraphicInfo = graphicInfoList.get(i - 1); if (i == 1) { xPoints[0] = (int) previousGraphicInfo.getX(); yPoints[0] = (int) previousGraphicInfo.getY(); } xPoints[i] = (int) graphicInfo.getX(); yPoints[i] = (int) graphicInfo.getY(); } processDiagramCanvas.drawSequenceflow(xPoints, yPoints, drawConditionalIndicator, isDefault, highLighted, scaleFactor); // Draw sequenceflow label GraphicInfo labelGraphicInfo = bpmnModel.getLabelGraphicInfo(sequenceFlow.getId()); if (labelGraphicInfo != null) { processDiagramCanvas.drawLabel(sequenceFlow.getName(), labelGraphicInfo, false); } else { if (drawSequenceFlowNameWithNoLabelDI) { GraphicInfo lineCenter = getLineCenter(graphicInfoList); processDiagramCanvas.drawLabel(sequenceFlow.getName(), lineCenter, false); } } } } // Nested elements if (flowNode instanceof FlowElementsContainer) { for (FlowElement nestedFlowElement : ((FlowElementsContainer) flowNode).getFlowElements()) { if (nestedFlowElement instanceof FlowNode && !isPartOfCollapsedSubProcess(nestedFlowElement, bpmnModel)) { drawActivity(processDiagramCanvas, bpmnModel, (FlowNode) nestedFlowElement, highLightedActivities, highLightedFlows, scaleFactor, drawSequenceFlowNameWithNoLabelDI); } } } } }