package com.dl.flowable.flow; import cn.hutool.core.util.ObjectUtil; import com.dl.common.exception.ServiceException; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.flowable.bpmn.model.*; import org.flowable.engine.impl.bpmn.behavior.ParallelMultiInstanceBehavior; import org.flowable.engine.impl.bpmn.behavior.SequentialMultiInstanceBehavior; import org.flowable.task.api.history.HistoricTaskInstance; import java.util.*; /** * @author XuanXuan * @date 2021-04-03 23:57 */ @Slf4j public class FlowableUtils { /** * 根据节点,获取入口连线 * @param source * @return */ public static List getElementIncomingFlows(FlowElement source) { List sequenceFlows = null; if (source instanceof FlowNode) { sequenceFlows = ((FlowNode) source).getIncomingFlows(); } else if (source instanceof Gateway) { sequenceFlows = ((Gateway) source).getIncomingFlows(); } else if (source instanceof SubProcess) { sequenceFlows = ((SubProcess) source).getIncomingFlows(); } else if (source instanceof StartEvent) { sequenceFlows = ((StartEvent) source).getIncomingFlows(); } else if (source instanceof EndEvent) { sequenceFlows = ((EndEvent) source).getIncomingFlows(); } return sequenceFlows; } /** * 根据节点,获取出口连线 * @param source * @return */ public static List getElementOutgoingFlows(FlowElement source) { List sequenceFlows = null; if (source instanceof FlowNode) { sequenceFlows = ((FlowNode) source).getOutgoingFlows(); } else if (source instanceof Gateway) { sequenceFlows = ((Gateway) source).getOutgoingFlows(); } else if (source instanceof SubProcess) { sequenceFlows = ((SubProcess) source).getOutgoingFlows(); } else if (source instanceof StartEvent) { sequenceFlows = ((StartEvent) source).getOutgoingFlows(); } else if (source instanceof EndEvent) { sequenceFlows = ((EndEvent) source).getOutgoingFlows(); } return sequenceFlows; } /** * 获取全部节点列表,包含子流程节点 * @param flowElements * @param allElements * @return */ public static Collection getAllElements(Collection flowElements, Collection allElements) { allElements = allElements == null ? new ArrayList<>() : allElements; for (FlowElement flowElement : flowElements) { allElements.add(flowElement); if (flowElement instanceof SubProcess) { // 继续深入子流程,进一步获取子流程 allElements = FlowableUtils.getAllElements(((SubProcess) flowElement).getFlowElements(), allElements); } } return allElements; } /** * 迭代获取父级任务节点列表,向前找 * @param source 起始节点 * @param hasSequenceFlow 已经经过的连线的 ID,用于判断线路是否重复 * @param userTaskList 已找到的用户任务节点 * @return */ public static List iteratorFindParentUserTasks(FlowElement source, Set hasSequenceFlow, List userTaskList) { userTaskList = userTaskList == null ? new ArrayList<>() : userTaskList; hasSequenceFlow = hasSequenceFlow == null ? new HashSet<>() : hasSequenceFlow; // 如果该节点为开始节点,且存在上级子节点,则顺着上级子节点继续迭代 if (source instanceof StartEvent && source.getSubProcess() != null) { userTaskList = iteratorFindParentUserTasks(source.getSubProcess(), hasSequenceFlow, userTaskList); } // 根据类型,获取入口连线 List sequenceFlows = getElementIncomingFlows(source); if (sequenceFlows != null) { // 循环找到目标元素 for (SequenceFlow sequenceFlow: sequenceFlows) { // 如果发现连线重复,说明循环了,跳过这个循环 if (hasSequenceFlow.contains(sequenceFlow.getId())) { continue; } // 添加已经走过的连线 hasSequenceFlow.add(sequenceFlow.getId()); // 类型为用户节点,则新增父级节点 if (sequenceFlow.getSourceFlowElement() instanceof UserTask) { userTaskList.add((UserTask) sequenceFlow.getSourceFlowElement()); continue; } // 类型为子流程,则添加子流程开始节点出口处相连的节点 if (sequenceFlow.getSourceFlowElement() instanceof SubProcess) { // 获取子流程用户任务节点 List childUserTaskList = findChildProcessUserTasks((StartEvent) ((SubProcess) sequenceFlow.getSourceFlowElement()).getFlowElements().toArray()[0], null, null); // 如果找到节点,则说明该线路找到节点,不继续向下找,反之继续 if (childUserTaskList != null && childUserTaskList.size() > 0) { userTaskList.addAll(childUserTaskList); continue; } } // 继续迭代 userTaskList = iteratorFindParentUserTasks(sequenceFlow.getSourceFlowElement(), hasSequenceFlow, userTaskList); } } return userTaskList; } /** * 根据正在运行的任务节点,迭代获取子级任务节点列表,向后找 * @param source 起始节点 * @param runTaskKeyList 正在运行的任务 Key,用于校验任务节点是否是正在运行的节点 * @param hasSequenceFlow 已经经过的连线的 ID,用于判断线路是否重复 * @param userTaskList 需要撤回的用户任务列表 * @return */ public static List iteratorFindChildUserTasks(FlowElement source, List runTaskKeyList, Set hasSequenceFlow, List userTaskList) { hasSequenceFlow = hasSequenceFlow == null ? new HashSet<>() : hasSequenceFlow; userTaskList = userTaskList == null ? new ArrayList<>() : userTaskList; // 如果该节点为开始节点,且存在上级子节点,则顺着上级子节点继续迭代 if (source instanceof StartEvent && source.getSubProcess() != null) { userTaskList = iteratorFindChildUserTasks(source.getSubProcess(), runTaskKeyList, hasSequenceFlow, userTaskList); } // 根据类型,获取出口连线 List sequenceFlows = getElementOutgoingFlows(source); if (sequenceFlows != null) { // 循环找到目标元素 for (SequenceFlow sequenceFlow: sequenceFlows) { // 如果发现连线重复,说明循环了,跳过这个循环 if (hasSequenceFlow.contains(sequenceFlow.getId())) { continue; } // 添加已经走过的连线 hasSequenceFlow.add(sequenceFlow.getId()); // 如果为用户任务类型,且任务节点的 Key 正在运行的任务中存在,添加 if (sequenceFlow.getTargetFlowElement() instanceof UserTask && runTaskKeyList.contains((sequenceFlow.getTargetFlowElement()).getId())) { userTaskList.add((UserTask) sequenceFlow.getTargetFlowElement()); continue; } // 如果节点为子流程节点情况,则从节点中的第一个节点开始获取 if (sequenceFlow.getTargetFlowElement() instanceof SubProcess) { List childUserTaskList = iteratorFindChildUserTasks((FlowElement) (((SubProcess) sequenceFlow.getTargetFlowElement()).getFlowElements().toArray()[0]), runTaskKeyList, hasSequenceFlow, null); // 如果找到节点,则说明该线路找到节点,不继续向下找,反之继续 if (childUserTaskList != null && childUserTaskList.size() > 0) { userTaskList.addAll(childUserTaskList); continue; } } // 继续迭代 userTaskList = iteratorFindChildUserTasks(sequenceFlow.getTargetFlowElement(), runTaskKeyList, hasSequenceFlow, userTaskList); } } return userTaskList; } /** * 迭代获取子流程用户任务节点 * @param source 起始节点 * @param hasSequenceFlow 已经经过的连线的 ID,用于判断线路是否重复 * @param userTaskList 需要撤回的用户任务列表 * @return */ public static List findChildProcessUserTasks(FlowElement source, Set hasSequenceFlow, List userTaskList) { hasSequenceFlow = hasSequenceFlow == null ? new HashSet<>() : hasSequenceFlow; userTaskList = userTaskList == null ? new ArrayList<>() : userTaskList; // 根据类型,获取出口连线 List sequenceFlows = getElementOutgoingFlows(source); if (sequenceFlows != null) { // 循环找到目标元素 for (SequenceFlow sequenceFlow: sequenceFlows) { // 如果发现连线重复,说明循环了,跳过这个循环 if (hasSequenceFlow.contains(sequenceFlow.getId())) { continue; } // 添加已经走过的连线 hasSequenceFlow.add(sequenceFlow.getId()); // 如果为用户任务类型,且任务节点的 Key 正在运行的任务中存在,添加 if (sequenceFlow.getTargetFlowElement() instanceof UserTask) { userTaskList.add((UserTask) sequenceFlow.getTargetFlowElement()); continue; } // 如果节点为子流程节点情况,则从节点中的第一个节点开始获取 if (sequenceFlow.getTargetFlowElement() instanceof SubProcess) { List childUserTaskList = findChildProcessUserTasks((FlowElement) (((SubProcess) sequenceFlow.getTargetFlowElement()).getFlowElements().toArray()[0]), hasSequenceFlow, null); // 如果找到节点,则说明该线路找到节点,不继续向下找,反之继续 if (childUserTaskList != null && childUserTaskList.size() > 0) { userTaskList.addAll(childUserTaskList); continue; } } // 继续迭代 userTaskList = findChildProcessUserTasks(sequenceFlow.getTargetFlowElement(), hasSequenceFlow, userTaskList); } } return userTaskList; } /** * 从后向前寻路,获取所有脏线路上的点 * @param source 起始节点 * @param passRoads 已经经过的点集合 * @param hasSequenceFlow 已经经过的连线的 ID,用于判断线路是否重复 * @param targets 目标脏线路终点 * @param dirtyRoads 确定为脏数据的点,因为不需要重复,因此使用 set 存储 * @return */ public static Set iteratorFindDirtyRoads(FlowElement source, List passRoads, Set hasSequenceFlow, List targets, Set dirtyRoads) { passRoads = passRoads == null ? new ArrayList<>() : passRoads; dirtyRoads = dirtyRoads == null ? new HashSet<>() : dirtyRoads; hasSequenceFlow = hasSequenceFlow == null ? new HashSet<>() : hasSequenceFlow; // 如果该节点为开始节点,且存在上级子节点,则顺着上级子节点继续迭代 if (source instanceof StartEvent && source.getSubProcess() != null) { dirtyRoads = iteratorFindDirtyRoads(source.getSubProcess(), passRoads, hasSequenceFlow, targets, dirtyRoads); } // 根据类型,获取入口连线 List sequenceFlows = getElementIncomingFlows(source); if (sequenceFlows != null) { // 循环找到目标元素 for (SequenceFlow sequenceFlow: sequenceFlows) { // 如果发现连线重复,说明循环了,跳过这个循环 if (hasSequenceFlow.contains(sequenceFlow.getId())) { continue; } // 添加已经走过的连线 hasSequenceFlow.add(sequenceFlow.getId()); // 新增经过的路线 passRoads.add(sequenceFlow.getSourceFlowElement().getId()); // 如果此点为目标点,确定经过的路线为脏线路,添加点到脏线路中,然后找下个连线 if (targets.contains(sequenceFlow.getSourceFlowElement().getId())) { dirtyRoads.addAll(passRoads); continue; } // 如果该节点为开始节点,且存在上级子节点,则顺着上级子节点继续迭代 if (sequenceFlow.getSourceFlowElement() instanceof SubProcess) { dirtyRoads = findChildProcessAllDirtyRoad((StartEvent) ((SubProcess) sequenceFlow.getSourceFlowElement()).getFlowElements().toArray()[0], null, dirtyRoads); // 是否存在子流程上,true 是,false 否 Boolean isInChildProcess = dirtyTargetInChildProcess((StartEvent) ((SubProcess) sequenceFlow.getSourceFlowElement()).getFlowElements().toArray()[0], null, targets, null); if (isInChildProcess) { // 已在子流程上找到,该路线结束 continue; } } // 继续迭代 dirtyRoads = iteratorFindDirtyRoads(sequenceFlow.getSourceFlowElement(), passRoads, hasSequenceFlow, targets, dirtyRoads); } } return dirtyRoads; } /** * 迭代获取子流程脏路线 * 说明,假如回退的点就是子流程,那么也肯定会回退到子流程最初的用户任务节点,因此子流程中的节点全是脏路线 * @param source 起始节点 * @param hasSequenceFlow 已经经过的连线的 ID,用于判断线路是否重复 * @param dirtyRoads 确定为脏数据的点,因为不需要重复,因此使用 set 存储 * @return */ public static Set findChildProcessAllDirtyRoad(FlowElement source, Set hasSequenceFlow, Set dirtyRoads) { hasSequenceFlow = hasSequenceFlow == null ? new HashSet<>() : hasSequenceFlow; dirtyRoads = dirtyRoads == null ? new HashSet<>() : dirtyRoads; // 根据类型,获取出口连线 List sequenceFlows = getElementOutgoingFlows(source); if (sequenceFlows != null) { // 循环找到目标元素 for (SequenceFlow sequenceFlow: sequenceFlows) { // 如果发现连线重复,说明循环了,跳过这个循环 if (hasSequenceFlow.contains(sequenceFlow.getId())) { continue; } // 添加已经走过的连线 hasSequenceFlow.add(sequenceFlow.getId()); // 添加脏路线 dirtyRoads.add(sequenceFlow.getTargetFlowElement().getId()); // 如果节点为子流程节点情况,则从节点中的第一个节点开始获取 if (sequenceFlow.getTargetFlowElement() instanceof SubProcess) { dirtyRoads = findChildProcessAllDirtyRoad((FlowElement) (((SubProcess) sequenceFlow.getTargetFlowElement()).getFlowElements().toArray()[0]), hasSequenceFlow, dirtyRoads); } // 继续迭代 dirtyRoads = findChildProcessAllDirtyRoad(sequenceFlow.getTargetFlowElement(), hasSequenceFlow, dirtyRoads); } } return dirtyRoads; } /** * 判断脏路线结束节点是否在子流程上 * @param source 起始节点 * @param hasSequenceFlow 已经经过的连线的 ID,用于判断线路是否重复 * @param targets 判断脏路线节点是否存在子流程上,只要存在一个,说明脏路线只到子流程为止 * @param inChildProcess 是否存在子流程上,true 是,false 否 * @return */ public static Boolean dirtyTargetInChildProcess(FlowElement source, Set hasSequenceFlow, List targets, Boolean inChildProcess) { hasSequenceFlow = hasSequenceFlow == null ? new HashSet<>() : hasSequenceFlow; inChildProcess = inChildProcess == null ? false : inChildProcess; // 根据类型,获取出口连线 List sequenceFlows = getElementOutgoingFlows(source); if (sequenceFlows != null && !inChildProcess) { // 循环找到目标元素 for (SequenceFlow sequenceFlow: sequenceFlows) { // 如果发现连线重复,说明循环了,跳过这个循环 if (hasSequenceFlow.contains(sequenceFlow.getId())) { continue; } // 添加已经走过的连线 hasSequenceFlow.add(sequenceFlow.getId()); // 如果发现目标点在子流程上存在,说明只到子流程为止 if (targets.contains(sequenceFlow.getTargetFlowElement().getId())) { inChildProcess = true; break; } // 如果节点为子流程节点情况,则从节点中的第一个节点开始获取 if (sequenceFlow.getTargetFlowElement() instanceof SubProcess) { inChildProcess = dirtyTargetInChildProcess((FlowElement) (((SubProcess) sequenceFlow.getTargetFlowElement()).getFlowElements().toArray()[0]), hasSequenceFlow, targets, inChildProcess); } // 继续迭代 inChildProcess = dirtyTargetInChildProcess(sequenceFlow.getTargetFlowElement(), hasSequenceFlow, targets, inChildProcess); } } return inChildProcess; } /** * 迭代从后向前扫描,判断目标节点相对于当前节点是否是串行 * 不存在直接回退到子流程中的情况,但存在从子流程出去到父流程情况 * @param source 起始节点 * @param isSequential 是否串行 * @param hasSequenceFlow 已经经过的连线的 ID,用于判断线路是否重复 * @param targetKsy 目标节点 * @return */ public static Boolean iteratorCheckSequentialReferTarget(FlowElement source, String targetKsy, Set hasSequenceFlow, Boolean isSequential) { isSequential = isSequential == null ? true : isSequential; hasSequenceFlow = hasSequenceFlow == null ? new HashSet<>() : hasSequenceFlow; // 如果该节点为开始节点,且存在上级子节点,则顺着上级子节点继续迭代 if (source instanceof StartEvent && source.getSubProcess() != null) { isSequential = iteratorCheckSequentialReferTarget(source.getSubProcess(), targetKsy, hasSequenceFlow, isSequential); } // 根据类型,获取入口连线 List sequenceFlows = getElementIncomingFlows(source); if (sequenceFlows != null) { // 循环找到目标元素 for (SequenceFlow sequenceFlow: sequenceFlows) { // 如果发现连线重复,说明循环了,跳过这个循环 if (hasSequenceFlow.contains(sequenceFlow.getId())) { continue; } // 添加已经走过的连线 hasSequenceFlow.add(sequenceFlow.getId()); // 如果目标节点已被判断为并行,后面都不需要执行,直接返回 if (isSequential == false) { break; } // 这条线路存在目标节点,这条线路完成,进入下个线路 if (targetKsy.equals(sequenceFlow.getSourceFlowElement().getId())) { continue; } if (sequenceFlow.getSourceFlowElement() instanceof StartEvent) { isSequential = false; break; } // 否则就继续迭代 isSequential = iteratorCheckSequentialReferTarget(sequenceFlow.getSourceFlowElement(), targetKsy, hasSequenceFlow, isSequential); } } return isSequential; } /** * 从后向前寻路,获取到达节点的所有路线 * 不存在直接回退到子流程,但是存在回退到父级流程的情况 * @param source 起始节点 * @param passRoads 已经经过的点集合 * @param roads 路线 * @return */ public static List> findRoad(FlowElement source, List passRoads, Set hasSequenceFlow, List> roads) { passRoads = passRoads == null ? new ArrayList<>() : passRoads; roads = roads == null ? new ArrayList<>() : roads; hasSequenceFlow = hasSequenceFlow == null ? new HashSet<>() : hasSequenceFlow; // 如果该节点为开始节点,且存在上级子节点,则顺着上级子节点继续迭代 if (source instanceof StartEvent && source.getSubProcess() != null) { roads = findRoad(source.getSubProcess(), passRoads, hasSequenceFlow, roads); } // 根据类型,获取入口连线 List sequenceFlows = getElementIncomingFlows(source); if (sequenceFlows != null && sequenceFlows.size() != 0) { for (SequenceFlow sequenceFlow: sequenceFlows) { // 如果发现连线重复,说明循环了,跳过这个循环 if (hasSequenceFlow.contains(sequenceFlow.getId())) { continue; } // 添加已经走过的连线 hasSequenceFlow.add(sequenceFlow.getId()); // 添加经过路线 if (sequenceFlow.getSourceFlowElement() instanceof UserTask) { passRoads.add((UserTask) sequenceFlow.getSourceFlowElement()); } // 继续迭代 roads = findRoad(sequenceFlow.getSourceFlowElement(), passRoads, hasSequenceFlow, roads); } } else { // 添加路线 roads.add(passRoads); } return roads; } /** * 历史节点数据清洗,清洗掉又回滚导致的脏数据 * @param allElements 全部节点信息 * @param historicTaskInstanceList 历史任务实例信息,数据采用开始时间升序 * @return */ public static List historicTaskInstanceClean(Collection allElements, List historicTaskInstanceList) { // 会签节点收集 List multiTask = new ArrayList<>(); allElements.forEach(flowElement -> { if (flowElement instanceof UserTask) { // 如果该节点的行为为会签行为,说明该节点为会签节点 if (((UserTask) flowElement).getBehavior() instanceof ParallelMultiInstanceBehavior || ((UserTask) flowElement).getBehavior() instanceof SequentialMultiInstanceBehavior) { multiTask.add(flowElement.getId()); } } }); // 循环放入栈,栈 LIFO:后进先出 Stack stack = new Stack<>(); historicTaskInstanceList.forEach(item -> stack.push(item)); // 清洗后的历史任务实例 List lastHistoricTaskInstanceList = new ArrayList<>(); // 网关存在可能只走了部分分支情况,且还存在跳转废弃数据以及其他分支数据的干扰,因此需要对历史节点数据进行清洗 // 临时用户任务 key StringBuilder userTaskKey = null; // 临时被删掉的任务 key,存在并行情况 List deleteKeyList = new ArrayList<>(); // 临时脏数据线路 List> dirtyDataLineList = new ArrayList<>(); // 由某个点跳到会签点,此时出现多个会签实例对应 1 个跳转情况,需要把这些连续脏数据都找到 // 会签特殊处理下标 int multiIndex = -1; // 会签特殊处理 key StringBuilder multiKey = null; // 会签特殊处理操作标识 boolean multiOpera = false; while (!stack.empty()) { // 从这里开始 userTaskKey 都还是上个栈的 key // 是否是脏数据线路上的点 final boolean[] isDirtyData = {false}; for (Set oldDirtyDataLine : dirtyDataLineList) { if (oldDirtyDataLine.contains(stack.peek().getTaskDefinitionKey())) { isDirtyData[0] = true; } } // 删除原因不为空,说明从这条数据开始回跳或者回退的 // MI_END:会签完成后,其他未签到节点的删除原因,不在处理范围内 if (stack.peek().getDeleteReason() != null && !stack.peek().getDeleteReason().equals("MI_END")) { // 可以理解为脏线路起点 String dirtyPoint = ""; if (stack.peek().getDeleteReason().indexOf("Change activity to ") >= 0) { dirtyPoint = stack.peek().getDeleteReason().replace("Change activity to ", ""); } // 会签回退删除原因有点不同 if (stack.peek().getDeleteReason().indexOf("Change parent activity to ") >= 0) { dirtyPoint = stack.peek().getDeleteReason().replace("Change parent activity to ", ""); } FlowElement dirtyTask = null; // 获取变更节点的对应的入口处连线 // 如果是网关并行回退情况,会变成两条脏数据路线,效果一样 for (FlowElement flowElement : allElements) { if (flowElement.getId().equals(stack.peek().getTaskDefinitionKey())) { dirtyTask = flowElement; } } // 获取脏数据线路 Set dirtyDataLine = FlowableUtils.iteratorFindDirtyRoads(dirtyTask, null, null, Arrays.asList(dirtyPoint.split(",")), null); // 自己本身也是脏线路上的点,加进去 dirtyDataLine.add(stack.peek().getTaskDefinitionKey()); + "点脏路线集合:" + dirtyDataLine); // 是全新的需要添加的脏线路 boolean isNewDirtyData = true; for (int i = 0; i < dirtyDataLineList.size(); i++) { // 如果发现他的上个节点在脏线路内,说明这个点可能是并行的节点,或者连续驳回 // 这时,都以之前的脏线路节点为标准,只需合并脏线路即可,也就是路线补全 if (dirtyDataLineList.get(i).contains(userTaskKey.toString())) { isNewDirtyData = false; dirtyDataLineList.get(i).addAll(dirtyDataLine); } } // 已确定时全新的脏线路 if (isNewDirtyData) { // deleteKey 单一路线驳回到并行,这种同时生成多个新实例记录情况,这时 deleteKey 其实是由多个值组成 // 按照逻辑,回退后立刻生成的实例记录就是回退的记录 // 至于驳回所生成的 Key,直接从删除原因中获取,因为存在驳回到并行的情况 deleteKeyList.add(dirtyPoint + ","); dirtyDataLineList.add(dirtyDataLine); } // 添加后,现在这个点变成脏线路上的点了 isDirtyData[0] = true; } // 如果不是脏线路上的点,说明是有效数据,添加历史实例 Key if (!isDirtyData[0]) { lastHistoricTaskInstanceList.add(stack.peek().getTaskDefinitionKey()); } // 校验脏线路是否结束 for (int i = 0; i < deleteKeyList.size(); i ++) { // 如果发现脏数据属于会签,记录下下标与对应 Key,以备后续比对,会签脏数据范畴开始 if (multiKey == null && multiTask.contains(stack.peek().getTaskDefinitionKey()) && deleteKeyList.get(i).contains(stack.peek().getTaskDefinitionKey())) { multiIndex = i; multiKey = new StringBuilder(stack.peek().getTaskDefinitionKey()); } // 会签脏数据处理,节点退回会签清空 // 如果在会签脏数据范畴中发现 Key改变,说明会签脏数据在上个节点就结束了,可以把会签脏数据删掉 if (multiKey != null && !multiKey.toString().equals(stack.peek().getTaskDefinitionKey())) { deleteKeyList.set(multiIndex , deleteKeyList.get(multiIndex).replace(stack.peek().getTaskDefinitionKey() + ",", "")); multiKey = null; // 结束进行下校验删除 multiOpera = true; } // 其他脏数据处理 // 发现该路线最后一条脏数据,说明这条脏数据线路处理完了,删除脏数据信息 // 脏数据产生的新实例中是否包含这条数据 if (multiKey == null && deleteKeyList.get(i).contains(stack.peek().getTaskDefinitionKey())) { // 删除匹配到的部分 deleteKeyList.set(i , deleteKeyList.get(i).replace(stack.peek().getTaskDefinitionKey() + ",", "")); } // 如果每组中的元素都以匹配过,说明脏数据结束 if ("".equals(deleteKeyList.get(i))) { // 同时删除脏数据 deleteKeyList.remove(i); dirtyDataLineList.remove(i); break; } } // 会签数据处理需要在循环外处理,否则可能导致溢出 // 会签的数据肯定是之前放进去的所以理论上不会溢出,但还是校验下 if (multiOpera && deleteKeyList.size() > multiIndex && "".equals(deleteKeyList.get(multiIndex))) { // 同时删除脏数据 deleteKeyList.remove(multiIndex); dirtyDataLineList.remove(multiIndex); multiIndex = -1; multiOpera = false; } // pop() 方法与 peek() 方法不同,在返回值的同时,会把值从栈中移除 // 保存新的 userTaskKey 在下个循环中使用 userTaskKey = new StringBuilder(stack.pop().getTaskDefinitionKey()); }"清洗后的历史节点数据:" + lastHistoricTaskInstanceList); return lastHistoricTaskInstanceList; } /** * 深搜递归获取流程未通过的节点 * @param bpmnModel 流程模型 * @param unfinishedTaskSet 未结束的任务节点 * @param finishedSequenceFlowSet 已经完成的连线 * @param finishedTaskSet 已完成的任务节点 * @return */ public static Set dfsFindRejects(BpmnModel bpmnModel, Set unfinishedTaskSet, Set finishedSequenceFlowSet, Set finishedTaskSet) { if (ObjectUtil.isNull(bpmnModel)) { throw new ServiceException("流程模型不存在"); } Collection allElements = getAllElements(bpmnModel.getMainProcess().getFlowElements(), null); Set rejectedSet = new HashSet<>(); for (FlowElement flowElement : allElements) { // 用户节点且未结束元素 if (flowElement instanceof UserTask && unfinishedTaskSet.contains(flowElement.getId())) { List hasSequenceFlow = iteratorFindFinishes(flowElement, null); List rejects = iteratorFindRejects(flowElement, finishedSequenceFlowSet, finishedTaskSet, hasSequenceFlow, null); rejectedSet.addAll(rejects); } } return rejectedSet; } /** * 迭代获取父级节点列表,向前找 * @param source 起始节点 * @param hasSequenceFlow 已经经过的连线的ID,用于判断线路是否重复 * @return */ public static List iteratorFindFinishes(FlowElement source, List hasSequenceFlow) { hasSequenceFlow = hasSequenceFlow == null ? new ArrayList<>() : hasSequenceFlow; // 根据类型,获取入口连线 List sequenceFlows = getElementIncomingFlows(source); if (sequenceFlows != null) { // 循环找到目标元素 for (SequenceFlow sequenceFlow: sequenceFlows) { // 如果发现连线重复,说明循环了,跳过这个循环 if (hasSequenceFlow.contains(sequenceFlow.getId())) { continue; } // 添加已经走过的连线 hasSequenceFlow.add(sequenceFlow.getId()); FlowElement finishedElement = sequenceFlow.getSourceFlowElement(); // 类型为子流程,则添加子流程开始节点出口处相连的节点 if (finishedElement instanceof SubProcess) { FlowElement firstElement = (StartEvent) ((SubProcess) finishedElement).getFlowElements().toArray()[0]; // 获取子流程的连线 hasSequenceFlow.addAll(iteratorFindFinishes(firstElement, null)); } // 继续迭代 hasSequenceFlow = iteratorFindFinishes(finishedElement, hasSequenceFlow); } } return hasSequenceFlow; } /** * 根据正在运行的任务节点,迭代获取子级任务节点列表,向后找 * @param source 起始节点 * @param finishedSequenceFlowSet 已经完成的连线 * @param finishedTaskSet 已经完成的任务节点 * @param hasSequenceFlow 已经经过的连线的 ID,用于判断线路是否重复 * @param rejectedList 未通过的元素 * @return */ public static List iteratorFindRejects(FlowElement source, Set finishedSequenceFlowSet, Set finishedTaskSet , List hasSequenceFlow, List rejectedList) { hasSequenceFlow = hasSequenceFlow == null ? new ArrayList<>() : hasSequenceFlow; rejectedList = rejectedList == null ? new ArrayList<>() : rejectedList; // 根据类型,获取出口连线 List sequenceFlows = getElementOutgoingFlows(source); if (sequenceFlows != null) { // 循环找到目标元素 for (SequenceFlow sequenceFlow: sequenceFlows) { // 如果发现连线重复,说明循环了,跳过这个循环 if (hasSequenceFlow.contains(sequenceFlow.getId())) { continue; } // 添加已经走过的连线 hasSequenceFlow.add(sequenceFlow.getId()); FlowElement targetElement = sequenceFlow.getTargetFlowElement(); // 添加未完成的节点 if (finishedTaskSet.contains(targetElement.getId())) { rejectedList.add(targetElement.getId()); } // 添加未完成的连线 if (finishedSequenceFlowSet.contains(sequenceFlow.getId())) { rejectedList.add(sequenceFlow.getId()); } // 如果节点为子流程节点情况,则从节点中的第一个节点开始获取 if (targetElement instanceof SubProcess) { FlowElement firstElement = (FlowElement) (((SubProcess) targetElement).getFlowElements().toArray()[0]); List childList = iteratorFindRejects(firstElement, finishedSequenceFlowSet, finishedTaskSet, hasSequenceFlow, null); // 如果找到节点,则说明该线路找到节点,不继续向下找,反之继续 if (childList != null && childList.size() > 0) { rejectedList.addAll(childList); continue; } } // 继续迭代 rejectedList = iteratorFindRejects(targetElement, finishedSequenceFlowSet, finishedTaskSet, hasSequenceFlow, rejectedList); } } return rejectedList; } }